A pool has been created.
A pool has been destroyed.
A member has been removed from a pool.
The removal can be voluntary (withdrawn all unbonded funds) or involuntary (kicked).
Topped up deficit in frozen ED of the reward pool.
Claimed excess frozen ED of af the reward pool.
A payout has been made to a member.
A pool's commission change_rate
has been changed.
Pool commission has been claimed.
Pool commission claim permission has been updated.
permission?: NominationPoolsCommissionClaimPermissionA pool's commission setting has been changed.
current?: [number, SS58String]A pool's maximum commission setting has been changed.
The active balance of pool pool_id
has been slashed to balance
The roles of a pool have been updated to the given new roles. Note that the depositor can never change.
bouncer?: SS58StringOptional
nominator?: SS58StringOptional
root?: SS58StringThe state of a pool has changed
A member has unbonded from their pool.
is the corresponding balance of the number of points that has been
requested to be unbonded (the argument of the unbond
transaction) from the bonded
is the number of points that are issued as a result of balance
dissolved into the corresponding unbonding pool.era
is the era in which the balance will be unbonded.
In the absence of slashing, these values will match. In the presence of slashing, the
number of points that are issued in the unbonding pool will be less than the amount
requested to be unbonded.The unbond pool at era
of pool pool_id
has been slashed to balance
A member has withdrawn from their pool.
The given number of points
have been dissolved in return of balance
Similar to Unbonded
event, in the absence of slashing, the ratio of point to balance
will be 1.
A member has became bonded in a pool.