Proposals: StorageDescriptor<[Key: bigint], {
    action: Enum<{
        AddLocation: [{
            digest: FixedSizeBinary<4>;
            geohash: FixedSizeBinary<5>;
        }, {
            lat: bigint;
            lon: bigint;
        Petition: [{
            digest: FixedSizeBinary<4>;
            geohash: FixedSizeBinary<5>;
        } | undefined, Binary];
        RemoveLocation: [{
            digest: FixedSizeBinary<4>;
            geohash: FixedSizeBinary<5>;
        }, {
            lat: bigint;
            lon: bigint;
        SetInactivityTimeout: number;
        SpendNative: [{
            digest: FixedSizeBinary<4>;
            geohash: FixedSizeBinary<5>;
        } | undefined, SS58String, bigint];
        UpdateCommunityMetadata: [{
            digest: FixedSizeBinary<4>;
            geohash: FixedSizeBinary<5>;
        }, {
            announcement_signer?: Enum<{
                Bip340: FixedSizeBinary<(...)>;
            assets: Binary;
            name: Binary;
            rules: Enum<{
                BeeDance: undefined;
                LoCo: undefined;
                LoCoFlex: undefined;
            symbol: Binary;
            theme?: Binary;
            url?: Binary;
        UpdateDemurrage: [{
            digest: FixedSizeBinary<4>;
            geohash: FixedSizeBinary<5>;
        }, bigint];
        UpdateNominalIncome: [{
            digest: FixedSizeBinary<4>;
            geohash: FixedSizeBinary<5>;
        }, bigint];
    electorate_size: bigint;
    start: bigint;
    start_cindex: number;
    state: Enum<{
        Approved: undefined;
        Confirming: {
            since: bigint;
        Enacted: undefined;
        Ongoing: undefined;
        Rejected: undefined;
        SupersededBy: {
            id: bigint;
}, true, never>

All proposals that have ever been proposed including the past ones.