HistoryDepth: PlainDescriptor<number>

Number of eras to keep in history.

Following information is kept for eras in [current_era - HistoryDepth, current_era]: ErasStakers, ErasStakersClipped, ErasValidatorPrefs, ErasValidatorReward, ErasRewardPoints, ErasTotalStake, ErasStartSessionIndex, ClaimedRewards, ErasStakersPaged, ErasStakersOverview.

Must be more than the number of eras delayed by session. I.e. active era must always be in history. I.e. active_era > current_era - history_depth must be guaranteed.

If migrating an existing pallet from storage value to config value, this should be set to same value or greater as in storage.

Note: HistoryDepth is used as the upper bound for the BoundedVec item StakingLedger.legacy_claimed_rewards. Setting this value lower than the existing value can lead to inconsistencies in the StakingLedger and will need to be handled properly in a migration. The test reducing_history_depth_abrupt shows this effect.