receive_messages_proof: TxDescriptor<
        dispatch_weight: { proof_size: bigint; ref_time: bigint };
        messages_count: number;
        proof: {
            bridged_header_hash: FixedSizeBinary<32>;
            lane: FixedSizeBinary<4>;
            nonces_end: bigint;
            nonces_start: bigint;
            storage_proof: Binary[];
        relayer_id_at_bridged_chain: SS58String;

Receive messages proof from bridged chain.

The weight of the call assumes that the transaction always brings outbound lane state update. Because of that, the submitter (relayer) has no benefit of not including this data in the transaction, so reward confirmations lags should be minimal.

The call fails if:

  • the pallet is halted;

  • the call origin is not Signed(_);

  • there are too many messages in the proof;

  • the proof verification procedure returns an error - e.g. because header used to craft proof is not imported by the associated finality pallet;

  • the dispatch_weight argument is not sufficient to dispatch all bundled messages.

The call may succeed, but some messages may not be delivered e.g. if they are not fit into the unrewarded relayers vector.