withdraw: TxDescriptor<{ index: number; who: SS58String }>

Withdraw full balance of a specific contributor.

Origin must be signed, but can come from anyone.

The fund must be either in, or ready for, retirement. For a fund to be in retirement, then the retirement flag must be set. For a fund to be ready for retirement, then:

  • it must not already be in retirement;
  • the amount of raised funds must be bigger than the free balance of the account;
  • and either:
  • the block number must be at least end; or
  • the current lease period must be greater than the fund's last_period.

In this case, the fund's retirement flag is set and its end is reset to the current block number.

  • who: The account whose contribution should be withdrawn.
  • index: The parachain to whose crowdloan the contribution was made.