trace_block: RuntimeDescriptor< [ block
: { extrinsics: Binary[]; header: { digest: DigestItem[]; extrinsics_root: FixedSizeBinary<32>; number: number; parent_hash: FixedSizeBinary<32>; state_root: FixedSizeBinary<32>; }; }, config
: Enum<{ CallTracer: { with_logs: boolean } }>, ], [ number, { call_type: Enum< { Call: undefined; DelegateCall: undefined; StaticCall: undefined }, >; calls: __Circular[]; error?: string; from: FixedSizeBinary<20>; gas: FixedSizeArray<4, bigint>; gas_used: FixedSizeArray<4, bigint>; input: Binary; logs: { address: FixedSizeBinary<20>; data: Binary; position: number; topics: FixedSizeBinary<32>[]; }[]; output: Binary; revert_reason?: string; to: FixedSizeBinary<20>; value: FixedSizeArray<4, bigint>; }, ][],>
Traces the execution of an entire block and returns call traces.
This is intended to be called through
to replay the block from the parent block.See eth-rpc
for usage.