call: TxDescriptor<
        data: Binary;
        dest: FixedSizeBinary<20>;
        gas_limit: { proof_size: bigint; ref_time: bigint };
        storage_deposit_limit: bigint;
        value: bigint;

Makes a call to an account, optionally transferring some balance.


  • dest: Address of the contract to call.

  • value: The balance to transfer from the origin to dest.

  • gas_limit: The gas limit enforced when executing the constructor.

  • storage_deposit_limit: The maximum amount of balance that can be charged from the caller to pay for the storage consumed.

  • data: The input data to pass to the contract.

  • If the account is a smart-contract account, the associated code will be executed and any value will be transferred.

  • If the account is a regular account, any value will be transferred.

  • If no account exists and the call value is not less than existential_deposit, a regular account will be created and any value will be transferred.