RelevantMessagingState: StorageDescriptor<
        dmq_mqc_head: FixedSizeBinary<32>;
        egress_channels: [
                max_capacity: number;
                max_message_size: number;
                max_total_size: number;
                mqc_head?: FixedSizeBinary<32>;
                msg_count: number;
                total_size: number;
        ingress_channels: [
                max_capacity: number;
                max_message_size: number;
                max_total_size: number;
                mqc_head?: FixedSizeBinary<32>;
                msg_count: number;
                total_size: number;
        relay_dispatch_queue_remaining_capacity: {
            remaining_count: number;
            remaining_size: number;

The snapshot of some state related to messaging relevant to the current parachain as per the relay parent.

This field is meant to be updated each block with the validation data inherent. Therefore, before processing of the inherent, e.g. in on_initialize this data may be stale.

This data is also absent from the genesis.