burn: TxDescriptor<
        amount: bigint;
        id: { interior: XcmV3Junctions; parents: number };
        who: MultiAddress;

Reduce the balance of who by as much as possible up to amount assets of id.

Origin must be Signed and the sender should be the Manager of the asset id.

Bails with NoAccount if the who is already dead.

  • id: The identifier of the asset to have some amount burned.
  • who: The account to be debited from.
  • amount: The maximum amount by which who's balance should be reduced.

Emits Burned with the actual amount burned. If this takes the balance to below the minimum for the asset, then the amount burned is increased to take it to zero.

Weight: O(1) Modes: Post-existence of who; Pre & post Zombie-status of who.