create: TxDescriptor<
        admin: MultiAddress;
        id: { interior: XcmV3Junctions; parents: number };
        min_balance: bigint;

Issue a new class of fungible assets from a public origin.

This new asset class has no assets initially and its owner is the origin.

The origin must conform to the configured CreateOrigin and have sufficient funds free.

Funds of sender are reserved by AssetDeposit.


  • id: The identifier of the new asset. This must not be currently in use to identify an existing asset. If [NextAssetId] is set, then this must be equal to it.
  • admin: The admin of this class of assets. The admin is the initial address of each member of the asset class's admin team.
  • min_balance: The minimum balance of this new asset that any single account must have. If an account's balance is reduced below this, then it collapses to zero.

Emits Created event when successful.

Weight: O(1)