SwapExecuted: PlainDescriptor<{
    amount_in: bigint;
    amount_out: bigint;
    path: [{
        interior: XcmV3Junctions;
        parents: number;
    }, bigint][];
    send_to: SS58String;
    who: SS58String;

Assets have been converted from one to another. Both SwapExactTokenForToken and SwapTokenForExactToken will generate this event.

Type declaration

  • amount_in: bigint

    The amount of the first asset that was swapped.

  • amount_out: bigint

    The amount of the second asset that was received.

  • path: [{
        interior: XcmV3Junctions;
        parents: number;
    }, bigint][]

    The route of asset IDs with amounts that the swap went through. E.g. (A, amount_in) -> (Dot, amount_out) -> (B, amount_out)

  • send_to: SS58String

    The account that the assets were transferred to.

  • who: SS58String

    Which account was the instigator of the swap.